______________________________________ Troubleshooting I can't get the sounds to work: Giza needs Sound Manager 3.1 installed to have sounds active. It is avaiable on most online services and from Apple. I can't get the music to work: Giza requires QuickTime™ 2.0 and QuickTime™ Musical Instruments to create music (also QuickTime™ PowerPlug on a PowerMac). Some of the items in the Preferences Dialog are dimmed: If your system doesn't have the above extensions the applicable dialog item will be dimmed. Mouse control has also not been implemented yet. Strange things happen when I play other people's Giza Maps: There are some basic rules you must follow to create a map for Giza. We have tried to make the original maps work as well as possible but other people may not be so careful. We can not guarantee that all maps will work correctly. I can't get it to run fast enough: Go to the Preferences Dialog and set it as follows. Graphics: Low resolution, Every other line, Normal screen size and Sound: Music off. Try playing the game. You can then try turning on specific features and seeing if the speed is still OK. If the game is still too slow run out to the nearest Apple dealer and get a PowerMac. Even the lowest PowerPC 601 at 60 Mhz can run Giza at the best image quality without missing a beat. When I hit the Begin New Game button the screen goes dark and never comes back: Make sure 32-bit addressing (Modern Memory Manager) is turned on. You can check this in the Memory control panel. The Mouse Control preference is always dimmed: Because of a problem with Apple's system files the mouse control has not been implemented yet. Anything else: As a last resort try to increase the memory partition for the game. In the Finder select the game. Choose Get Info from the File menu. Increase the values of the Minimum size and Preferred size. Try making them as large as you can without going over the total amount of ram you have minus the amount used by your system software. Make sure 32-bit addressing (Modern Memory Manager) is turned on. You can check this in the Memory control panel. There have been some conflicts with QuicKeys and RamDoubler. If you are having trouble and are using either of these try disabling them.